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- Complete your membership for access to services and skilled staff assistance.
Get Started
- Hear about services and resources available from a qualified staff.
- Decided what services are right for you.
- Employment Express
- Career Development
- Career Advancement
Decided Where to Begin
- Review Services with Center staff.
- Choose and activity to begin right away.
Plan Your Next Step
- Develop your "To Do" list.
- Plan your next visit.
Give Us Your Opinion
- Complete a "Feedback Survey" to share Your feelings and opinions with us.
Getup-to-date jobs leads
- Tap into our online job market with thousands of jobs currently available.
Meet with a career professional for one-on-one consultation
- Get help matching your skills and interests to training or employment.
Contact Employers through telephone,fax,and Internet access
- Follow-up on job interviews and applications to get results
Create or update your resume and cover letter
- Use our books, tips, and easy-to-use software to create an impressive resume and cover letters that get noticed by employers
Post your resume online to expand your job search
- Online resumes allow employers and our staff to review your skills and experience for new job openings.
Evaluate your skills, interests and work preferences
- Online assessments & surveys can help target the perfect job for you.
Locate training opportunities that can help move you along your career path
- Fine information about the training required for your career choice. Locate statewide training providers to get the training you need.
Explore your career options
- Use our resources and Internet access for career exploration.
Make an informed Decision about your career choice
- Review local and national labor market information to make the most favorable career choices.
Meet with a career professional for one-on-one consultation
- Meet the Veteran's Representative for information on services available for veterans only